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Some of the last books listed

On Democracy

On Democracy

Second Edition

Robert A. Dahl
Vooruit_Bierbeek avatar
In this accessible and authoritative book, one of the most prominent political theorists of the time provides a primer on democracy that clarifies what democracy is, why it is valuable, how it works, and what challenges it confronts in the future.
Modern Migration Theory

Modern Migration Theory

An Alternative Economic Approach to Failed EU Policy

Peo Hansen
Vooruit_Bierbeek avatar
Current migration policy is based on a seemingly neutral accounting exercise, in which migrants contribute less in tax than they receive in welfare assistance. A “fact” that justifies increasingly restrictive asylum policies. Peo Hansen shows that this consensual cost-perspective on migration is built on a flawed economic conception of the orthodox “sound finance” doctrine prevalent in migration research and policy. By examining migration through the macroeconomic lens offered by modern monetary theory, Hansen is able to demonstrate sound finance’s detrimental impact on migration policy and research, including its role in stoking the toxic debate on migration in the European Union. More importantly, Hansen’s undertaking offers the tools with which both migration research and migration policy could be modernized and put on a realistic footing.
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